To: Baron Ignaz von Gleichenstein
Vienna, Spring, 1810

Anderson v1 pg269 - letter #255

       As Frau von M[alfatti] told me yesterday that she wanted after all to choose another pianoforte at Schanz’s today, I would like her to give me full liberty to choose one.  It must not cost more than 500 gulden, but be worth much more.  You know that these gentlemen always offer me a certain sum of which I never make use.  But the advantage certainly is that occasionally I can obtain an expensive instrument for a very low figure; and I would willingly make the first exception to my fixed rule of conduct in this case, and that too, as soon as you let me know whether my proposal has been accepted – All good wishes, dear kind Gl[eichenstein].  We shall see one another today and you can then give me the answer –

                                                                               Your faithful